
Meet Chiropractor Anthony M. Fenoli, D.C.

Meet Chiropractor Anthony M. Fenoli, D.C.

My name is Tony Fenoli. I’m the chiropractor here at Hardtner. Anything that deals with nerve, muscle, and bone, that’s kind of my wheelhouse. We see a lot of those patients, but also, we take care of a lot of patients as far as quality of life goes. Once we treat those patients and we get them out of pain and they can go back to work, they can start doing whatever they enjoyed again… then we continue with those patients and we keep them healthy so they can have a good quality of life. Because if you’re going to live to be 100 years old, I want you to be able to do the things you love and not sit in a nursing home for the last 20 years of your life. We all want to do that. We want to be active with our kids and grandkids, we want to hunt and fish all that fun stuff. So that’s really what we do. 

We treat some patients in what you would call crisis care– they can’t get up and move– but the quality of life work is probably more of how I would classify what I do here. I love the patients. Anybody who has worked with people like this for a long time will tell you they love their people. And the people here are second to none; that’s why I moved back. I went to school in Dallas, and we came back here because the people here are just phenomenal. It’s a different, simpler way of life, small-town living… it’s different but we love it. It’s fabulous. The really neat thing we have here– that’s really different, that sets us apart– is you have so many different doctors that are working together; for example, a lot of time we see patients that come into us or are referred to us who may have a problem that I can’t correct. They may get sent in with a certain type of diagnosis that might be incorrect, and so when I see that patient, I have to send them to somebody else in-house. Instead of that taking a month, we can get it done in the next day. That’s really what sets us apart from everybody else. When you have patients with disorders that are definitely serious and need to be seen quickly, you don’t have to wait. We have a team of doctors and nurse practitioners that work together with imaging involved and you can get all of that done right here without having to wait months of end. That’s what makes us really unique and that’s what I love about working here.